REBT Self-Help Form
What is the situation that you are upset about?
What are the unhealthy negative emotions that you are experiencing?
What self-defeating behaviors would you like to change?
What are your about the situation?
What are your disputing questions?
What are your rational beliefs about the situation?
With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.
What are your new healthy negative emotions?
What are your new self-helping behaviors?
With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.
What is the situation that you are upset about?
What are the unhealthy negative emotions that you are experiencing?
What self-defeating behaviors would you like to change?
What demand are you making about the situation?
In what way are you awfulizing about the situation?
What are you saying to yourself about the situation that indicates low frustration tolerance?
What beliefs show that you are rating people instead of rating their actions?
How are you overgeneralizing about the situation?
What are your new healthy negative emotions?
What are your new self-helping behaviors?
Warning: This form should not be considered a substitute for individualized treatment with a mental health professional. If you are seeing a counselor or a therapist, it is recommended that you print this page and discuss your responses with him or her.
"Designed by Will Ross © 2006" Used with permission by Dr. Neiders