Albert Ellis's Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Self-Help Form

REBT Self-Help Form

Step 1: Describe the Activating Event

What is the situation that you are upset about?

Step 2: Identify Your Unhealthy Negative Emotions & Your Self-defeating Behavior

What are the unhealthy negative emotions that you are experiencing?

What self-defeating behaviors would you like to change?

Step 3: Identify Your Irrational Beliefs

What are your about the situation?

Step 4: Dispute Your Irrational Beliefs

What are your disputing questions?

Step 5: Identify Your Rational Beliefs

What are your rational beliefs about the situation?

Step 6: Identify Your Healthy Negative Emotions & Your Self-helping Behavior

With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

What are your new healthy negative emotions?

What are your new self-helping behaviors?

Step 7: Process Your REBT Self-Help Form

With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

What is the situation that you are upset about?
What are the unhealthy negative emotions that you are experiencing?
What self-defeating behaviors would you like to change?
What demand are you making about the situation?
Rational Belief:
In what way are you awfulizing about the situation?
Rational Belief:
What are you saying to yourself about the situation that indicates low frustration tolerance?
Rational Belief:
What beliefs show that you are rating people instead of rating their actions?
Rational Belief:
How are you overgeneralizing about the situation?
Rational Belief:
What are your new healthy negative emotions?
What are your new self-helping behaviors?

Warning: This form should not be considered a substitute for individualized treatment with a mental health professional. If you are seeing a counselor or a therapist, it is recommended that you print this page and discuss your responses with him or her.

"Designed by Will Ross © 2006" Used with permission by Dr. Neiders