Steps to Stuttering Recovery and Beyond

Steps to Recovery from Stuttering and Beyond




Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.

 Henry Ford


A person, who stutters (and does thousand of other things) but does not stutter or stutters much less, can recover from stuttering. He stutters because he has a belief system that evokes anxiety or fear when talking in a stressful situation. His beliefs define what he considers dangerous. This sense of danger evokes conscious or preconscious anxiety that messes with the fine motor commands needed to produce flowing speech.

A good therapy deals with managing the emotions through finding out what irrational/unhelpful beliefs cause his anxiety about speaking and speaking situations, disputing them, and coming up with more rational/helpful beliefs. While learning to manage his emotions and to demonstrate that he can learn how to talk with less struggle and forcing, he is taught easy Iowa bounces. The therapy also teaches him unconditional self-acceptance and acknowledgement of minimal disfluencies in normal speech. Motivation is an integral part of therapy. The cartoon illustration and the description of steps is intended to provide for the person who stutters (and does thousands of other things) inspiration and motivation to recover from stuttering.

The headings refer to the cartoon of steps that is attached to the blog or displayed either above the blog.


I won’t do therapy

This attitude of resistance to therapy may have many causes. For example, belief that stuttering cannot be recovered from, experience with therapies that did teach the client how to handle his emotions, self-therapy that has failed, etc.


I can’t do therapy

This belief is based on belief that stuttering therapy is too expensive (which is not always the case as for example with me, American Institute for Stuttering (AIS), etc.). that one does not have enough time, simple procrastination, and a slew of other excuses.


I want to do therapy

The change comes about when the person who stutters goes on YouTube and searching for video clips with Neiders and stuttering discovers what a recovered person looks and sounds like, meets a person who has recovered from stuttering, or just is curious what good stuttering therapy consists of.


How do I do therapy?


Above all find a therapy that handles the unhealthy negative emotions associated with stuttering such as shame, anxiety, fear, guilt, anger, etc. as well as providing techniques to stutter easier and communicate better while teaching the client how to manage emotions. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy of Stuttering as practiced by Dr. Gunars Neiders and at American Institute for Stuttering are highly recommended.


I’ll try to do therapy

For example, contact Dr. Gunars Neiders or AIS and make arrangements for low cost therapy both in person or via the internet using Skype or Zoom.


I can do therapy

Of course, you can do therapy. For example, Dr. Neiders starts you out by first convincing that his objective is to teach you how to be your own therapist. He recommends two books “From Stuttering to Fluency” by Neiders and Ross and “SOS for Your Emotions” by Lynn Clark. Then you start to read and discuss what has been said in the books. At first he assigns homework and then you start to assign homework yourself and only check in with Dr. Neiders. He acts in the capacity of a coach.


I will do therapy

The results will be great from the beginning. That inspires you to follow through and promise yourself that you will do therapy.


I am doing therapy

You will become involved in therapy. And you will enjoy therapy.


Yes, I did the therapy and recovered

Such a great feeling!


I am going to keep doing REBTS

Because stuttering has components of classical conditioning and operant conditioning, it is important to dispute irrational/unhelpful feelings as they appear.


Ooops! I slipped

Should you do so, you can always get back to REBTS steps and regain your recovery.